women cycling

women cycling

pandemic travel insurance: what to know ahead of time

Travel insurance in the age of Covid-19

WomanTours has always recommended that our guests purchase travel insurance when they tour with us. That recommendation still holds firm in the age of…

Gerri rides an e-bike next to Jackie.

Taking it Easy with an E-Bike

“The greatest thing since sliced bread.” That is how WomanTours guest Jane H. described her experience riding an electric bike in Germany…


Finding Your Reason to Ride

If you are reading this blog, I’m going to assume you love to travel by bike, and if you haven’t done so already, you would like to.…

woman wearing a bike helmet

How to adjust your bike helmet and why we want you to bring your own on tour

We are often asked why we require women to bring their own bike helmets on tour with them and don't provide them ourselves.  The reason we do…

Love Notes

I'd just finished a very long drive in our van and trailer back from our bicycle tour in Maine. I'd gotten caught in traffic a few times, making the…

WomanTours' Route 66 epic bike tour group gets ready to leave downtown Chicago

Route 66 Epic Bike Tour Blogs

Three women are doing blogs on the Route 66 epic bike tour.  They are: Susan Rosenthal  - https://susansbiketrip2018.com/ Elisabet…