women cycling

women cycling

WomanTours Southern Tier Cross-Country Bike Tour 2018 group

Southern Tier Cross Country 2018 - blogs

Twenty women left San Diego this morning as they begin their ride across the USA via the Southern Tier bicycle route.  So far, two women are…


Blogging the Pacific Coast Bike Tour

Three guests are blogging their way down the Pacific Coast while on their bike tour so that all of us can travel vicariously with them. Here are the…

Jenny Shank, Sydnay Bowersox and Chris Fadness on the road in California during a bike tour

Blogging their way across the USA

Two of the women who are riding across the USA on our Southern Tier Cross Country bike tour are blogging their way across the country so we can all…

WomanTours president, Jackie hugs Nancy as Carlyn looks on before they departed with our new van headed to the west coast.

We are a community

As a small company, we like to get to know our guests. This is made easier by the fact that we have so many return customers. They become…