cross country bike travel

cross country bike travel

Bike Tour Guide Denise Purdue and her granddaughter Journey at Glacier National Park

A Bike Tour is Born

“Hey, that would be a great bike tour.” We hear that a lot at WomanTours. From our guests, our guides, our office staff, and our friends…

A gift from our guides: Tour recipes to comfort you at home

To say that everyone at WomanTours misses being on tour with our guests is an understatement. We miss you oh so very much, as our guests are…

woman riding a bicycle

Sometimes biking can be a pain in the butt!

While you might think that your legs are doing all the hard work when you are on a bicycle tour, some would argue that your rump and crotch work even…

woman wearing a bike helmet

How to adjust your bike helmet and why we want you to bring your own on tour

We are often asked why we require women to bring their own bike helmets on tour with them and don't provide them ourselves.  The reason we do…

WomanTours' Route 66 epic bike tour group gets ready to leave downtown Chicago

Route 66 Epic Bike Tour Blogs

Three women are doing blogs on the Route 66 epic bike tour.  They are: Susan Rosenthal  - Elisabet…

WomanTours Southern Tier Cross-Country Bike Tour 2018 group

Southern Tier Cross Country 2018 - blogs

Twenty women left San Diego this morning as they begin their ride across the USA via the Southern Tier bicycle route.  So far, two women are…