You know who you are. Determined DIY-er. Proud Luddite. Content to keep eating up those miles on an analog set of wheels. So when you sign up for a bike tour, you stick with the tried and true: your human-powered road or hybrid bike (and by hybrid, we aren't talking EV, but a bike with straight handlebars that make you sit upright, like your mother has been nagging you to do forever). Here are 8 confirmations that you are doing you in just the right way!
Reason #1: You are addicted to that lactic acid burn.
Your comfort zone is in the “no pain, no gain” camp. If your lungs don’t feel like punctured tires and your thighs aren’t on fire and your jersey isn’t sweat-soaked in your own aerobic suffering as you honk up that mountain, then life just isn’t worth living.
Reason #2: It’s the easiest weight loss program out there.
No e-bike? You’re already down 10-15 pounds. No spare battery? Make that 20. Your pant size won't change, but because you're lugging less weight around, you'll feel light as a paper clip.
Reason #3: Misery loves company.
There’s nothing like sitting around the hotel pool with fellow purists, swapping war stories about those character-building headwinds and muscle-bound miles. Pass the Advil and ice packs.
Reason #4: You want to help the e-bikers feel good about themselves.
As Turbo Tina bullets past you on the incline in a hurricane of lithium charge, you know you’ve made her day. Good deed done.
Reason #5: You don’t need an outlet, just more carbs.
While the e-bike babes are lolling around the charging station, you get to enjoy another chocolate chip cookie without the guilt.
Reason #6: Just say yes to shopping.
With no need to carry a spare battery in your saddle bag, it’s okay to stop at that yard sale or gift shop--you have the carry-on space for those must-have items, like this candle that doesn't reek like a groin injury. In moderation, of course.
Reason #7: Time off for the IT department.
When mechanical issues arise on your bike tour, you can probably get by with a spare tube, some Allen wrenches and elbow grease. No code cracking needed for any malfunctioning battery pack. Let the computer geeks have some R&R.
Reason #8: Look, Ma, it’s all legs, no lithium.
At the end of the tour, mileage and elevation accomplishments can be channeled directly into gloating privileges. For thine is the power and the glory, forever.
Related blogs:
8 reasons why you should choose an e-bike for your next bike tour
4 reasons why e-bikers and road bikers can actually have a great time together on the same bike tour