Since WomanTours began offering e-bike rentals in 2018, we’ve seen a flourishing in bicycle diversity: e-bikes, gravel bikes, road bikes with drop handlebars, hybrid bikes with straight handlebars, recumbent trikes, etc. Like the United Colors of Benetton, we are not about judging which bike is better or worse, rather we’re here to unite all cycling variations for the good of the open road or bike path. If you need more convincing, read on.
Reason #1: All bikers celebrate (or suffer) the same weather.
Many bikes. One sky. If it rains, everyone can kvetch in harmony (and share a ready excuse to stop at that coffee shop). If the sun shines, everyone shares the ecstasy (and sunscreen). Nasty crosswinds are the common enemy while the Goddess of blue skies receive votive offerings and libations (we’ll hold off on animal sacrifices).
Reason #2: Even our tour guides ride different bikes.
Hey, take a look at your tour’s leadership team. There’s a good chance that one guide is on an e-bike and the other isn’t. That e-bike guide can get to you faster if you need help with a flat. And that road bike guide can set a sane, steady pace that’s attainable for everyone. It’s a win-win!
Reason #3: Mutual SOS.
Speedy e-bikers can forge ahead to scout out the best ice cream parlor. Taking up the rear, muscle-powered two-wheelers can make sure to pick up any personal belongings their turbo-charged pals might leave behind.
Reason #4: This is great fodder for friendly rivalry.
E-bikers, here are a couple roasts you can serve your beloved road bike peers:
- “Looks like you’re going old-school. Nothing wrong with that. I hear vintage is in style again.”
- “Do you hear that? It’s the sound of my legs NOT screaming.”
Don’t worry, you old-fashioned pedalers, it’s your turn to dish it up to your motorized sisters:
- “I’ll race you to the top of the hill---assuming your battery is charged!”
- “It’s so nice of you to let technology handle the hard parts for you.”
Remember, roast responsibly. And with kindness.
Friendly reminder: Your ride, your rules.
At WomanTours, we’re all about making sure you have the time of your life on two wheels. That’s why we offer a variety of rental bikes to suit every rider. Our pro tip? Choose the bike that makes YOU happiest—whether it’s electric, road, hybrid or something in between—and let everyone else worry about their own pedals.
Related blogs:
8 reasons why you should choose an e-bike for your next bike tour
8 reasons why you should stick with your hybrid or road bike for your next bicycle tour