

Grant Petersen’s “Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to Riding Your Bike”

A biking philosophy for the rest of us

Sometimes you meet up with a piece of writing that articulates a philosophy you’ve lived but never been able to formally express. And when you…

levels of difficulty for a bike tour

So, exactly how hard is that bike tour?

Ideally, we think a bike tour should make you feel physically invigorated, if not a bit challenged. Yes, you should be tired at the end of the day,…

Karen Miltner on her bike indoors

If you hate indoor cycling as much as I do...

 “You are one bike ride away from a good mood.” I’d bet a hundred bucks that when British cyclist Sarah Bentley said those…

woman bike riding in the winter

Winter’s coming. Keep bike riding.

Shorter days. Colder temperatures. And possibly even snow or ice. If you think winter is a time to put your bike away in storage, think again. In…

Karen Miltner captured this peaceful moment while bike riding the dirt roads near her home in the Finger Lakes region of New York.

Lessons learned from the road less paved 

Like a lot of sports, cycling has found many creative niches, from road racing, track cycling, mountain biking to snow biking, BMX and cyclocross,…

Jackie demonstrates using a bike helmet mirror, which helps her monitor the traffic behind her.

Mirror, mirror on the bike (or helmet, or sunglasses, or arm)

When it comes to bicycle touring safety accessories, helmets seem to get all the attention. We require all our guests and guides to wear them when…