Will WomanTours cancel a trip?

In the rare case that WomanTours must cancel a trip due to low enrollment, we will do so at least 90 days prior to departure of a tour outside the USA and 45 days prior to departure for trips within the USA. If we cancel fewer days than that prior to departure, we will issue you a full refund plus a $500 credit toward any of our other tours. We've canceled very few tours and have never canceled one less than 45 days before it begins for low enrollment.

If there is a weather event, political crisis or health emergency before a tour that has caused a mandatory evacuation or the closing of our planned accommodations and there are no suitable substitutions, we will cancel the tour and issue a full credit toward a future tour.

In all cases, we will not be responsible for any personal expenses incurred, such as airline tickets. WomanTours reserves the right to make route and lodging modifications as needed.